5th Week of Lent - Tuesday B – Solemnity of Saint Joseph
Today we celebrate a very important feast because Saint Joseph is not just any other saint in heaven, but the one saint along with the Virgin Mary who could call Jesus who is Almighty God, his son. He loved and took care of not only Jesus in his earthly life, but also of her, our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven, the Spotless Daughter, Mother and Bride of the Three Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity. Hence the Church has made this day a Solemnity in his honour. It only stands to reason that if when other saints ask something of Jesus, he is inclined to intercede, how much more his loving parents through whom he was nurtured when he assumed a true human nature? We can imagine the power of their petition and gratitude on our behalf. And so, one of the titles St Joseph receives in the beautiful litany in his honour, is: Saint Joseph, Most Powerful.