3rd Week of Lent – Saturday B
In today’s readings, we get a glimpse of how when people are given the grace to look within themselves, and examine the emptiness that seems to pervade their spirit so deeply at times, they finally attempt to return to God. A lot of times there are many preconceived notions that a person maintains as they seek to approach Him again; “Will he accept me back? What do I owe him? What kind of a sacrifice can I offer up that would in any way, shape or form, be pleasing to him.” One of these preconceived notions is that he desires some huge sacrifice from us, something that will quell his wrath and calm his anger. It’s a fabrication that arises from the sorrow we have for our sins, more than anything else, and make no mistake, we do need to atone for our sins in some way, in union with what Jesus wrought for us through his agonizing passion. Yet, in the first reading, God himself specifies what it is he desires: “.. what I want is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of God, not holocausts.”