Monday – 9th Week of Ordinary Time B – Saints Charles Lwanga and Companion Martyrs

Monday – 9th Week of Ordinary Time B – Saints Charles Lwanga and Companion Martyrs

Saint Charles Lwanga (1860-1887) was a young African martyr who was killed during the persecution of Christians in Uganda by King Mwanga II. Charles was a page at the royal court and was known for his kindness, humility, and devotion to his faith. He was martyred along with 21 companions, including 20 young men who were burned at the stake or beheaded for their refusal to renounce their faith. Saint Charles and his brothers were brutally executed for not renouncing their faith and conceding to the malicious and despicable sin of unnatural impurity. The king, deceived and inspired by Satan to try to force these children and young men to submit to his lustful decrees, through he was all-powerful, that no one could resist him, and little did he know he was but a pawn in the gruesome hands of the master-deceiver.

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Lunedì - IX Settimana del Tempo Ordinario B - Santi Carlo Lwanga e compagni martiri

San Carlo Lwanga (1860-1887) fu un giovane martire africano ucciso durante la persecuzione dei cristiani in Uganda dal re Mwanga II. Charles era un paggio della corte reale ed era noto per la sua gentilezza, umiltà e devozione alla fede. Fu martirizzato insieme a 21 compagni, tra cui 20 giovani che furono bruciati sul rogo o decapitati per aver rifiutato di rinunciare alla loro fede. San Carlo e i suoi fratelli furono brutalmente giustiziati per non aver rinunciato alla loro fede e aver ceduto al peccato maligno e spregevole dell'impurità innaturale. Il re, ingannato e ispirato da Satana per cercare di costringere questi bambini e giovani uomini a sottomettersi ai suoi decreti lussuriosi, pensava di essere onnipotente, che nessuno avrebbe potuto resistergli, e poco sapeva di essere solo una pedina nelle mani raccapriccianti del maestro ingannatore.

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