Prayer Requests

Please let us know if you have a special intention for prayer. We will lift you up in intercession and our daily Holy Mass, which is the greatest and most powerful prayer of all. "The Lord hears the cries of his people." Psalm 34:17


If you are in Rome, Italy between the months of October to July, or in the vicinity of Toronto, Canada between July to September, and would like to receive a blessing of: a house or building, cars, religious articles, sacramentals like holy water, oil, salt, candles, you can book a time and place through

Spiritual Direction

If you are in Rome, Italy between the months of October to July, or in the vicinity of Toronto, Canada between July to September, and would like to receive Franciscan spiritual direction, a friar is available and also has faculties to hear your confession. Just book a time and place with him through

Sacrament of Reconciliation

If you are in Rome, Italy between the months of October to July, or in the vicinity of Toronto, Canada between July to September, and would like to receive absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a friar is available and has faculties to hear your confession. Just book a time and place through

Catholic Therapist Directory

Are you looking for professional help? Try to find a good Catholic therapist, because a solid faith is one of the essential qualities of a good therapist. Here's a directory you can search which gives you Catholic therapists closest to your living location and each of their links gives you more information on who they are and their particular expertise:


*Please note that all these services are absolutely free of charge with no strings attached. We rely on God's providence as Franciscans and never once has he let us down. According to our Lord, we should all try to live in this way, relying more and more on our Father's providence, for he already knows what our needs are.